Banner Ad Networks
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Center : Banner Ad Networks
Site: Safe-Audit
Capsule Review: Safe-Audit offers website owners an easy way to make (a
little) money from their sites. Choose from dozens of banners to host on your own site,
mostly on a CPC (cost per click basis). I have used Safe-Audit a couple of times in the
past; they serve banner ads quickly and pay on time.
Site: LinkExchange
Capsule Review: The archetypal banner exchange network, now owned by
(dare I say it?) Microsoft. Offers banner exchanges on a 2:1 basis (you show two banner
ads on your site, and your ad gets shown once on another site). The great thing about
using LinkExchange is that you will also be listed in SurfPoint, a directory of
LinkExchange member sites -- and SurfPoint listings will start to appear on MSN,
Microsoft's search engine and portal site. If nothing else, sign up, host some banners for
a week and then remove them, just to get your listing in SurfPoint.
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