Affiliate & Referal Programs

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Site: Sitecash.com (I run this site!)
Capsule Review: This site offers reviews of over 100 referral and affiliate programs, including details of how much commission they pay and an overall rating for each program.
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Site: Refer-it
Capsule Review: Refer-it lists over 400 referral and affiliate programs, rated on a 1 to 3 point scale. It also offers information and assistance in setting up affiliate programs. Some of the programs listed here are MLM in nature, so be cautious.
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Site: AssociatePrograms.com
Capsule Review: My pick of the affiliate-related sites, AssociatePrograms.com lists hundreds of affiliate programs rated by their users. A unique feature of this site: visitors who submit reviews of new sites get to put their OWN affiliate ID in the link... therefore potentially earning money. A very generous policy by AssociatePrograms.com's owner. Highly Recommended!
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Site: Mark Welch's Web Site Banner Advertising
Capsule Review: Mark Welch's site is well known in promotion circles as being a great place to get the lowdown on banner advertising, money-making opportunities, ad servers and more. The comments on this site are incisive, and Mark Welch is (probably justifiably) dismissive of a large number of sites and services. Required reading to avoid scams.
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